Theragnostic Talks 11. ProPSMA and TheraP – changing patient care – with Michael Hofman

create 2021-08-18
How can we let new discoveries benefit as many patients as possible? The answer is: Through broad collaborations! In this episode of Theragnostic Talks you get to meet Professor Michael Hofman, Director of Prostate Cancer Theranostics and Imaging Centre of Excellence at the Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre in Melbourne.

According to Professor Hofman, broad collaboration is the key to success. He and his team has brought together multi-disciplinary expertise from more than 10 centers around Australia, resulting in seminal research published in high impact journals as The Lancet. If you have the energy to put together a clinical trial protocol, I bet colleagues around your country will be happy to adopt it. It is a winwin for everyone” says Professor Hofman.

Professor Michael Hofman has received several international awards including Society of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging (SNMMI) Image of the Year 2018. He is a frequent invited speaker at international meetings and a social media junkie, constantly sharing information and insights on Twitter and LinkedIn.  
