Theragnostic Talks 12. From academia to start-up – with Frances Johnson and Michael Schultz

create 2021-09-01
What are the challenges, turning preclinical research into a business concept? What kind of team do you need to succeed? And why using Alpha emitting isotopes? In this episode we get to meet the founders of Viewpoint Molecular Targeting, Dr Frances Johnson and Dr Michael Schultz.

Dr Frances Johnson has a background as a cardiologist. She is a well-published clinician, researcher and educator. Dr Michael Schultz is Associate Professor with experience from radiology, radiation oncology, pediatrics and chemistry. In 2008, when they both worked at University of Maryland, they started Viewpoint Molecular Targeting. A radiopharmaceutical company with a theragnostic portfolio using Alpha emitting isotopes.

Please join us in this episode of Theragnostic Talks.