Certificate of GDP compliance (Finland)
The Good Distribution Practice certificate demonstrates SAM Nordics’ dedication to good distributive practices and quality in every aspect of our service. Good Distribution Practices (GDP) is a quality system for warehouses and distribution centers dedicated to medicinal products.
Download Certificate of GDP Compliance (Finland)
Certificate of GDP compliance (Sweden)
The Good Distribution Practice certificate demonstrates SAM Nordics’ dedication to good distributive practices and quality in every aspect of our service. Good Distribution Practices (GDP) is a quality system for warehouses and distribution centers dedicated to medicinal products.
Download Certificate of GDP Compliance (Sweden)
FTI (the Swedish Packaging and Newspaper Collection Service)
As an affiliated company of FTI, SAM Nordic takes its producer responsibility for packaging material and newspapers to be recycled. All by the law “Ordinance of Producers’ responsibilities for packaging”. The annual fee is based on the amount of packaging material in relation to what our operations generate.
Download FTI (the Swedish Packaging and Newspaper Collection Service)
Pharmaceutical injuries insurance (Finland)
Pharmaceutical injury insurance covers unexpected adverse effects sustained by patients of pharmaceuticals sold or supplied for consumption in Finland. The insurance covers pharmaceuticals manufactured, imported, or marketed by entities that are members of the Finnish Cooperative.
Download Pharmaceutical injuries insurance (Finland)
Pharmaceutical injuries insurance (Sweden)
This is to certify that SAM Nordic is a participant in the Undertaking to pay compensation for drug-related injuries and in that capacity has paid the appropriate insurance premium and other fees and accordingly has its pharmaceuticals products and its patients in clinical trials covered by the pharmaceutical insurance in Sweden.
Download Pharmaceutical injuries insurance (Sweden)
Proof of registration, Swedish Environmental Protection Agency
SAM Nordic undertakes the producer responsibility of batteries, electronic equipment, and certain radioactive sources by the Swedish Ordinance SFS 2014:1075, SFS 2018:506, and SFS 2008:834.
Download Proof of registration, Swedish Environmental Protection Agency
SSM, Swedish Radiation Safety Authority (Sweden)
The permit allows SAM Nordic to import, export, hold, sell and transport radioactive sources in Sweden.
Download SSM, Swedish Radiation Safety Authority (Sweden)
STUK, Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority (Finland)
The permit allows SAM Nordic Oy to trade, import, and export radioactive sources in Finland.
Download STUK, Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority (Finland)
WDA (Finland)
Any wholesaler in Finland who procures, stores, or supplies medicines (including export) must apply to the competent authorities, FIMEA for Wholesale Distribution Authorization. The license shows that the company fully complies with the EC GDP rules.
WDA (Sweden)
Any wholesaler in Sweden who procures, stores, or supplies medicines (including export) must apply to the competent authorities, MPA for Wholesale Distribution Authorization. The license shows that the company fully complies with the EC GDP rules.